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Thursday, 18 June 2015

Oh Stress!

Greetings readers,

Welcome to the Power of The Mind!

Here we are again at another blogpost of Oh Stress! Well, I'm going to tell you now why do I choose this topic. Simply said, everyone had encountered, is encountering and will be encountering this problem in everyday lives. It is the forte of life as its own. Often when we hear the word stress, what comes into our mind will always be associated with the perception of negativity. Because that's how it should be? Well, think again readers. Here's a little bit of information or facts on stress in which it is divided into 2 different types, the positive stress (eustress) and the negative stress (distress). I hope that has somehow cleared your mind on the perception of stress.

Now, let's not wait longer. I will tell you exactly what's interesting to know about stress. One thing that I learned in psychology is cognitive factors of stress. Does this occur something to you readers? The word cognitive perhaps? Well if you're not sure of what does cognitive means, simply take it as "thinking". That's how I perceive cognitive because generally cognitive and thinking should be associated with the mind.
Readers, mind is just something that is super fascinating! Many researches nowadays have seemed to get to know the mind better or be "friends" with the mind. Well, thanks to them that now we have been able to seek for reasonings based on the happenings in our daily lives. Hands down!


I must say that the fact that cognitive or thinking leads to stress may be familiar enough to all of you. But it's just that we never thought that thinking too could lead to being stressful. In this phenomena, to my understanding: anything that you're thinking is generally affecting the amount of stress that you have. Before I further discuss about cognitive factors, try and ponder this question first - have you ever wondered why overthinking leads you to become much more stressful? Why am I asking this is because reality tells us that most people tend to overthink when they encounter a problem. With overthinking, some people are bound to perceive their problem in a positive way and some in the negative's. This is mainly caused by two cognitive processes: primary and secondary appraisal. So, in primary appraisal a person will start to classify the stressors as either threatening or challenging; whereas in secondary appraisal, a person will try to search for the resources available to himself or herself in coping with the stressors.

Now, what has awed me is the fact that the mind itself decides on whether the stress that we are having is a threat to ourselves or a challenge. Conclusively, the ones that we assume as threat is with the respect of negative appraisal; and on the other hand, the ones we assume as a challenge is a positive appraisal. The fascination to me when knowing this fact on stress is that the mind influences the amount of stress! Proven to be true, I would say that I'm positively an over thinker and as it is being said, it does affects me so much to be so. For an instance, recently I was in a very tight schedule, I literally burnt the midnight oil preparing for an event that was under my responsibility. To certain extent, I was caught into being stressful as some things had happened and those problems completely block my way on making the event to run smoothly. I became completely distressful, and in that state I tried to look for ways on what can I do myself to solve the problems. Some solving methods were practical but being under pressure, my mind didn't seem to give me solutions but it appeared to add in the amount of stress! The mind eventually controls everything and thus making you mentally, emotionally and physically exhausted.

Thinking, coming within the individual, can be just as stressful as other external factors of stress too. Previously, I thought that perhaps thinking and being an over thinker as not much as harmful to me because in my perception, thinking helps you to be much more rational in solving problems but instead it does not. So, here comes ways of coping with those stress that I've been working on for quite some time and they do include in even psychology perspectives. Meditation is one of the right way to go when there's an obstacle ahead of you! Some simple form of meditation that I have come to practice is to inhale and try to concentrate. Refocus your attention and put away all unnecessary random thoughts in your mind. It works for me, so perhaps it would work for you too.

So, here's the end of Oh Stress! Now I hope that you would probably be able to change it to Hi Stress! Embrace the stresses and use most appropriate strategies to cope with them. Don't let thinking be a hurdle in your life. Get up and be free from stress.

Till then, see you again readers. Stay tune with much more new and fresh posts from my teammates.


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